Friday, January 31, 2020

Remedial Reading Essay Example for Free

Remedial Reading Essay Proficient reading is an essential tool for learning a large part of the subject matter taught at school. Reading is the gateway to learning: without it, children cannot access a broad and balanced curriculum. Reading difficulties are associated with negative educational, employment and economic outcomes, making reading- related issues relevant to various policy domains. The negative effects of reading problems are well documented. There is evidence that reading disability is associated with social, economic and psychological problems. Traditional approaches to dealing with reading problems, such as tracing and grade retention, do not help ( especially if it going about dyslexic children. Remedial reading is an extremely important class for children who are struggling with reading. Because these children have difficulties reading, they generally do not like it. It is crucial for remedial reading teachers to make reading fun at the students level. This involved me to find interesting and lively reading materials. play games, use art and creativity during the lessons. First of all I determined the goals of remedial reading : Comprehension- understanding the meaning of words and sentences, integrating this meaning across texts and making inferences beyond the printed words. Decoding- converting printed words to spoken words. Phonics –linking sounds with letters and using these correspondences to read words. Teaching phonics takes account of the fact that there is not always a one-to-one correspondence between letters and sounds: ship has 4 letters, but only 3 sounds. Phonological awareness-awareness and manipulation of the sound structure of speech. This has different levels: syllables( foot-ball), onset-rime( f-oot-b-all), phonemes(f-oo-t-b-a-ll). Spelling and writing- mapping sounds to print, moving from individual letters, to groups of letters ( such as oa and sh), to word, to sentences . This support phonic knowledge for reading. Vocabulary- knowing the meaning of words. Fluency ( one of the major goals)- reading accurately and with sufficient speed. There is clear evidence that unless students become fluent in there ability to identify words, they will have difficulty concentrating their attention on comprehending and responding to the texts the read. I believe reading is an active, meaningful, constructive process. Students are taught to monitor their reading to ensure that what they are reading makes sense. This â€Å" mini remedial reading course† consists of 14 lessons. The duration of the lesson is 45 minutes. The type of the lessons is pupil-to teacher ratio. There is no question that one-to-one tutoring is the most powerful form of teaching invention. It seems highly likely that at least some children who are encountering very serious problems in learning to read need the intense support of one-to-one tutoring. For my lessons I was going to use the book â€Å" You Can Do It ! † by Dr Sharon Azaria. I chose it because the units in it are well- organized . Each unit consists of several reading rules, a text based on them reading comprehension and writing activities. New vocabulary is given as well. The types of texts are very predictable which is excellent in early intervention programs. They have recurring language patterns, and include repetition of language elements, which makes them easy for students to read. I think even children with very restricted word recognition capabilities can quickly begin to think of themselves as readers because they are successful with these predictable texts. It is great that the degree of predictability decreases from unit to unit to ensure that students attend to the printed texts in order to build a multifaceted word recognition strategy that will make them increasingly independent readers. I like the fact that texts and exercises become longer and more challenged as the reading capabilities of students grow. So there are many reasons to choose this book: length of texts, challenge of vocabulary, complexity of language, sophistication of concepts, etc. , so that students are challenged to apply the strategies and skills they are learning. MEANS OF TEACHING THE CHILD Texts are carefully selected and sequenced to ensure student success. The stories of the book â€Å" You Can Do It â€Å" contain a great amount of words with a letter or a letter combination on the topic of the lesson. It’s good they are followed by pictures. Reading for meaning . The book â€Å"You Can Do It† will provide me with a series of lessons which can be used as a very effective program for remedial reading. It reflects a model of reading as an active, meaningful, constructive process. Before-reading activities are used to build relevant background knowledge, concepts and vocabulary. With the help of this book the pupil will be taught to monitor his reading to ensure that what he is reading makes sense. The texts he’ll be asked to read are for enjoyment and for the information. Other activities are developed within the framework of reading for meaning. Reading for meaning is the constant point of reference. Intervention instruction is frequent, regular and of sufficient duration to make a difference. Weekly contact with a student ensures that progress is steady and allows me to become very familiar with the pupil and his strengths and needs. It also allows the teacher to reinforce and extend strategic behaviors that the student is acquiring. An instructional period of at least 15-20 minutes allows time for instruction and practice along a number of demonstrations that provide the pupil with the strategies he needs to become an effective reader. Pupil-to-teacher ratio. It seems reasonable to begin with group instruction for most students and to switch to individual instruction for those ones who have difficulty making progress. Word learning activities are used to help children become very familiar with print. Reading new texts and rereading familiar ones ensure that the pupil engages in meaningful, connected reading. This reading course (â€Å" I Can Do It†) includes activities that help students focus on and become familiar with printed words. The student is presented with the letters that form a word from a selection he read. Words are selected because they contain word identification elements that will be useful to the student. Progressively longer words are built from the letters. I can begin by asking the pupil to make take two letters and form the word ( for example the word â€Å"at† ). Next, he can be asked to add a letter to form rat, to change a letter to form cat, to rearrange the letters to form act. Using similar directions he can move through eat, ate, tea. Writing is used to teach and extend word identification skills. It has been recognized that asking students to write words ( not to copy them) is a very effective approach to developing word recognition and reading. For example, my pupil has difficulty with phonemic  awareness ( according to the test analysis) I can draw a box for each of the sounds in the word. The pupil is guided to think about the number of sounds in a word and the letters that represent those sounds. Activities completed at home extend student opportunities for reading. I always mention the importance of cooperation between home and school ( or individual lessons like in our case). Parents will be informed about the nature of our course and regularly updated on their child’s progress, and told about ways in which they can support the child and contribute to his progress. They can reread familiar texts for building fluency. I will care to send home only materials that the pupil can successfully respond to at home without teacher support. Again, the emphasis is on consistent success and the avoidance of failure. Conclusion: Every child has the right to develop into a thoughtful, competent reader. The remedial reading course ( the book â€Å" I Can Do It†) like many other programs calls for considerable teacher decision making, but within a well- defined sequence of instructional activities. When the pupil is reading aloud, I must decide when to coach a child in the use of strategic behavior and which strategies and skills to teach the child to use. When the pupil is writing, decisions must be about how and which forms of support should be given. Through the use of a regular sequence of activities, the pupil quickly come to know what will be happening in each instructional session and the order in which it will happen. Time is not lost in transition or deciding on activities.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Flat Tax Essay -- Economics

Flat Tax An Analysis of the Flat Tax Rate System Should the flat tax rate system be implemented? No, the flat tax rate system should not be implemented. In this paper, the pro arguments will be presented, which will affirm the thesis. Then the con arguments will be presented. A rebuttal will then follow, and finally, the author’s conclusion will be offered. The loudest clamor against the flat tax would come from homeowners, Realtors, and builders, who would be hammered as the flat tax does away with deductions for mortgage interest payments and local property taxes. If not negotiated with skill, this issue could be the flat tax movement’s Achilles’ heel. An analysis by the economic consulting firm DRI/McGraw-Hill estimates that the market value of all homes could drop by 15 percent if the tax were introduced without a phase-in period. The brunt of the blow would be borne by those in middle and upper income groups. The flat tax could cause mortgage interest rates to drop by a full percentage point, which would chore up prices. But even so, the DRI economists calculate that were the flat tax enacted with no phase-in period, the price of a $150,000 home could fall to $113,571, a decline of 24 percent. (Dishman 39) Middle class votes who have most of their money tied up in home and hearth will scream blue murder. Nor will they be soothed by economists’ armchair arguments that the government’s roughly $80-billion-a-year tax subsidy to owner-occupied housing has led to a vast overbuilding of the nation’s housing stock. Roger E. Brinner, DRI’s chief economist, figures the plunge in housing value would wipe out more than $1.5 trillion of householder’s net worth. The collapse of the housing market and new home construction, Brinner predicts, would slice 1.2 percent off GDP the year after the flat tax passed, and 1.6 percent in the second year. (Dishman 39) A potentially troublesome law lurks in the flat tax plan of House Majority Leader Richard Armey. The Armey flat tax plans to eliminate business exemption for most fringe benefits, especially employer paid health care. Flat tax enthusiasts like Harvard University economist Dale Jorgenson argue that employers, who look at the total cost of compensation, would simply increase their employees’ cash compensation, leaving them free to purchase their own health insurance. In theory, the workers then bec... ...rth noting that, for the politician who withdraws money from a campaign fund for personal use, even if it is unlawful to do so, this is taxable under the present law. But it appears to be tax-free under the flat tax. The typical wage earner certainly has the right to be skeptical about this â€Å"fair and honest† tax. (Robertson 26) In conclusion, it is clear that the flat tax rate is not a good concept which would be beneficial to the people. The current tax system, for now, is by far the better choice. Bibliography: Works Cited Astrikson, John, â€Å"Flattening Taxes†, Consumer Reports December 1995, 34-37 Darell, Bobby, Modern Economy, New York: Harper, 1994 Dishman, Kris, The Science of Taxation, New Haven: Yale, 1996 Flanegan, Jim, The Treasury, Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1995 Henderson, Margaret. A Look at the Economy, New York: Dell, 1994 McAfee, Charles, The National Debt, New York: Appleton, 1993 McNamara, Ellen, Your Tax Dollars at Work, New York: Bowker, 1995 Miller, Shawn, Commerce and You, New York: Norton, 1996 Robertson, Oliver, Learning the System: New York: Grove, 1994 Tarik, Alfred, The Economy and the System: Boston: Houghton, 1993

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

How to Keep Your Body Healthy

Jennifer Ellin April 13, 2013 English 0950 How to keep your body healthy Picture yourself overweight and just absolutely miserable and a person wants a brand new makeover. There are several different ways to keep your body happy, healthy and to prevent all illnesses. One thing a person should plan is maintaining a healthy goal. In order to do that, a person should consume all the nutrition one can handle. A human body needs carbohydrates, plenty of protein and fats. A human should be burning more calories than consumed. Eliminate a lot of sweets and don’t ever avoid skipping meals.Doctors and nutritionists recommend eating up to 6 small meals instead of 3 large ones but have to watch out on portion sizes. Low energy foods are good like fruits and vegetables and also water and lots of fiber. Fiber will help digest and keep your body full longer. Drink a lot of water. Celery and chewing gum will help burn calories also just by chewing; Yogurt helps also. A person should be getti ng a lot of rest at night. Adults should get a maximum of 9 hours of sleep a night and kids should get about 10-11 hours of sleep. One of the most important ways of improving sleep is to do it in complete darkness.Small amounts of light can interfere with body rest. Another of the best ways to improve a nights rest is to exercise. Sleeping is also a great way to prevent overeating. There are more ways to exercise besides hitting the gym. A person can exercise where ever felt most comfortable like in the privacy at home. There’s one effective way to improve cardiovascular health and it’s to do interval training. Interval training is switching back and forth between high and low intensity activities. If someone decides to do the interval trainings, it will help improve heart health and endurance.There are lots of ways to improve a human’s psychological health. Developing meaningful relationships by being social with other people is a great way. Another way is lear ning to have a healthy relationship. Learn to understand your own emotions so you can know yourself better and also learn to cope better with emotional pain. Improving your sex life is a good one. There are benefits to a healthy sex life such as reducing depression. Keep your mind flexible. Reading more is the best way. You should also keep yourself mentally active. It’s very rewarding.It’s also known to decrease chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease. Make a few lifestyle changes. Doing many types of different outdoor activities. Limit computer time to a few hours a day. Walking more is great for the body. A stressful environment is a no go. So try to keep calm no matter what the circumstance is. If someone is in a situation that can’t be handled, step outside and get some fresh air. Outdoor air is great for the body. It is important that we pay attention to the body. Our body tells us what we need and don’t need. Take into consideration that when a body is ill, there is something wrong.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Effects of Media Violence - 1973 Words

The potential relationship between media violence and actual aggression comes to the forefront of public discussion, but unfortunately this discussion rarely takes into account the science related to the relationship between media violence and aggressive behavior. In particular, there is a widespread assumption that media violence directly causes aggression and aggressive behavior, and this assumption has become so common that even secondary scholarly discussions of the evidence have taken to relying on it despite the fact that there is no evidence for a causal relationship between the consumption of media violence and aggressive behavior. While there is evidence suggesting a link between the two, correlation does not equal causation, and examining this evidence in detail will help make the case that there is no direct cause and effect relationship between media violence and aggressive behavior while simultaneously demonstrating the fallacy inherent in the counter arguments that have been proposed. It will actually be useful to consider the counter arguments to this studys thesis before making the case that there is no causal relationship between media violence and aggressive behavior, because these counter arguments tend to represent the consensus public view despite their lack of convincing evidence. To begin, one must acknowledge that there is substantial, verifiable data indicating a link between media violence and aggressive behavior (Boxer et. al. 417). This fact isShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Media Violence In The Media1212 Words   |  5 Pages Introduction With the recent increase in media presence throughout the world, there has also been an increase in violence portrayed through the media. Media violence is believed to be causing aggression in today’s youth and society. This paper will examine the potential reasons on how media violence is causing aggression Review of Literature In a study conducted, media psychologists, mass communication scientists, pediatricians, and parents all completed an anonymous online survey that asked whetherRead MoreMedia Violence And Its Effects1057 Words   |  5 Pages Media violence exposure has been investigated as a risk factor for aggression behavior for years. The impact of exposure to violence in the media the long term development and short term development of aggressive behavior has been documented. Aggression is caused by several factors, of which media violence is one. Research investigating the effects of media violence in conjunction with other predictors of aggression such as; environmental factors and dysfunction within the family household,Read MoreThe Effects of Violence in the Media944 Words   |  4 PagesViolence in the media started as early when Plato was around Complaints about violence in the media being harmful appear all through history. Even Plato was worried about the effects on children. The study of violence in the media reviews the amount of correlation between the themes of violence in our media sources with real-world damage and violence over time. A lot of this research has been deprived from the social learnin g theory concluded by Albert Bandura. The media effects thoughts in modernRead MoreThe Effects Of Violence On The Media1550 Words   |  7 PagesThe effect of violence in the media is a big controversy; some say it affects are society and others say that there is not any proof of this. There are many theories on how violence in media does, and how it does not, affect our society. Many people claim watching television or even playing video games will affect children’s or young adults’ minds. Researches claim that they found no evidence of change in aggressiveness in children or young adults while playing video games. Researchers allowed childrenRead MoreThe Effects of Violence in the Media2052 Words   |  8 PagesViolence in the Media It has been a long day and you decide to sit down to relax while watching some television. You turn on the TV and begin flipping through channels. On one channel, you see some random news report on a tragic school shooting that occurred across the country. Changing to another, you might catch the last 30 minutes of a slasher, horror flick. The last channel you come across, before turning off the TV, features a popular television show where the main cast fights a new villainRead MoreThe Effects Of Violence On The Media1782 Words   |  8 PagesU61976910 Introduction It has been said that violence in the real world becomes â€Å"much more acceptable after you ve seen infinitely greater violence on the screen (Maslin 1982). Seeking to test that hypothesis, researchers have sought to find how long it takes for individuals to become desensitized to violence in television. As intimate partner violence accounts for 15% of all crime, researchers have sought to understand the causes behind the violence. Linz, Donnerstein, and Penrod operationalizedRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On Behavioral Violence916 Words   |  4 PagesThe Effects of Media Violence on Behavioral Violence in Young Adults in America The influence of mass media has progressively increased in American society, but can the media have effects beyond mere entertainment and impartial information? American culture has become saturated with online news reports, social media, and media entertainment. Technology has become a major factor in America’s social environment. Much of the information gained from digital sources involves or portrays violence, andRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On The Media Essay1111 Words   |  5 PagesThe media has become one of the main sources where people obtain their information from. This information can be taken in knowingly, or through subliminal messages. The media like magazines, videos, commercials, television shows, and movies. Since, media has major influence over the public; violence being portrayed in the media is causing problems. Violence against women in the media has been happening for decades. The violence has been taking shape in many forms, as in emotional a nd physical violenceRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Media Violence In The Media754 Words   |  4 Pagesabout violence portrayed in the media, I noticed that many violent images in the media such as movies, videogames, and music have inspired people to commit large amounts of violent acts, such as committing assaults and murders. It is proven that children can he affected by the violence in media, when they are at a small age. When adults, some can be more aggressive than others, and some may commit more crimes than others. Over 1,000 case studies have proven that media violence can haveRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On People1388 Words   |  6 PagesThe Effect of Media Violence on People Media violence impacts the physical aggression of human beings. It is one of the many potential factors that influence the risk for violence and aggression. Research has proven that aggression in children will cause the likelihood of aggression in their adulthood. Theories have evolved that the violence present in the media most likely teaches the viewer to be more violent. It is a risky behavior that is established from the childhood. Furthermore, media violence